Wednesday, June 1, 2011

What is a good/safe way to GAIN weight

What is a good/safe way to GAIN weight?
My wife and I are both tall (6'2" and 6') and thin (I'm 175). We live overseas in Hungary and have to walk everywhere. We would both like to gain weight but it seems we simply cannot. One of us is 31 and other 29. Looking for safe and simple (don't have same stuff as in America) way(s) to gain weight.
Diet & Fitness - 8 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
organic food and alot of protein!! protein!!
2 :
eats load and loads, like carbs e.g. bread. do heavy weight training which wil put on muscle weight and make you want to eat even more.
3 :
if your healthy ...why like her she likes you...when you get to midde age you wont need to
4 :
Try weight gainer. Its a powder with different flavors. It taste great or you can aslo just eat alot of good fats. But if your healthy you shouldnt worry about wanting to be bigger just as long as your body is in good shape. <3Lala
5 :
come follow me around. lol. do you have diet supplements.. like those milk drinks we have in u.s.? drink alot of milk shakes... wow never had this problem..weight just happened. the following put on the pounds.. french fries..or other potatoes.. butter..creams.... chips.... hamburgers.. pasta... soda pop. gravies... bisquits.. bread... cold cut sandwiches. gl
6 :
High protein & complex carb diet combined with resistance training (like lifting weights). Just like anyone, stay away from fatty, sugary, refined, processed junk foods (like all the stuff the guy above me suggested, lol). You want the weight to be lean muscle, not fat, and you don't want your arteries clogging up with plaque. Five to six healthy protein/complex carb meals a day, with protein shakes a few times inbetween. And exercise.
7 :
My basketball coach used to have me drink some sort of meal replacement drink (Ensure, Fortify Plus, etc.) in between meals. It helped me put on weight.
8 :
Proteins are required for building muscles, so having high protein foods like eggs, milk, peanut butter, protein shakes will help. Weight training helps a person build muscles and increase body weight.

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