Monday, August 1, 2011

Bereavement leave if not attend funeral

Bereavement leave if not attend funeral?
My grandma died last week friday. I live in in the USA, she lived in Hungary. My boss told me, that I can take the 3 days bereavement leave even if I don't attend the funeral. 3 hours later (since they worried who was going to do my job for 3 days) they said I can't leave because I don't go to Hungary. This is in the company policy: "When death occurs in his/hers immeiate family (i.e. spouse, parent, child, brother, sister, mother/father-in-law, or grandparents), an employee, on request, will be excused for three (3) normally scheduled days of work (or such fewer days as the employee may absent) during the three (3) days (excluding Saturday and Sunday) immediately following the date of death provided funeral." That was their excuse..... Do i have the bereavement leave or no?
Law & Ethics - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
You may not have to go to Hungary, but you might be required to care for a child or elder person, while others go. The company policy allows you the time, they're wrong.
2 :
You are asking for a legal interpretation of an employment contract provision. That is something you should ask an attorney. No responsible attorney will give legal advice on a forum such as this.
3 :
Absolutely you have it. It doesn't matter if you travel there or not. The policy states that you have up to 3 bereavement days and you can choose to spend them however you want. Excuse or not, they're keeping you from something you're entitled to.

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