It seems a good country for peace and tranquility and the chance to refurb an affordable eco wise dwelling place in a semi rural area. Can anyone ellaborate with any more info, experience or projects ?
Other - Europe - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Admit it, you want to get high in tranquility.
2 :
nothing special i used to live there boring but visit countries which are near{austria,slovakia,ukraine,serbia} loved them
3 :
I know several people who moved to Hungary, but most of them were of the move *back* variety - i.e. they or their parents emigrated, usually in 1956, and they moved back there after 1990. Several of those people are now back in the US, poorer but wiser, while several who we were sure wouldn't be able to hack it are still living happily in Hungary. I guess the lesson is, you never know. I think the main key to a successful transplantation is to have a good job lined up, or otherwise have your finances assured. There's also a certain amount of flexibility required - it's a new country, even if you or your parents were born there. (This is true of any international move, really.) A more practical bit of advice: don't even TRY to move big things like furniture or appliances. Sell them here, buy new there. If your car is new or almost-new, it might be worth it to ship it (especially if you don't drive stickshift - Europeans tend to be snobbish about automatic transmissions), but that's about it. Another vital thing: leave yourself an "out". Make sure that if things really don't work out (the fixer-upper you bought collapses in a snowstorm, the job you lined up evaporates, you find you really can't stand the nasty store clerks, whatever), you have something to fall back on. After you've lived in your new place for a couple of years, *then* you can really wrap up everything here, sell that last bit of furniture you had in storage, close out that last bank account, etc.
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