Monday, September 21, 2009

Which of these plants can be planted in the garden - aechmea fasciata, aloe, ficus elastica

Which of these plants can be planted in the garden - aechmea fasciata, aloe, ficus elastica?
I live in Hungary where we have warm weather until October. So I would like to plant the above plants in the yard until it gets cold. Your comments/ ideas are welcome! I am not misspelling the first plant - it is called Aechmea Fasciata and it is a type of Bromeliad. I would like to know whether I can plant it in garden soil instead of a pot.
Other - Home & Garden - 1 Answers
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I suspect you're misspelling your first selection? You can put Aloe outside ( I strongly suggest in a pot) as it will not survive the winter, same with ficus (I hear tell they HATE to be moved/drafts). Your first selection, here in Illinois (zone 5) is a perennial and if you have similar temps, it should survive. Have a care as some of the newly released Aloes require partial shade vs. the full sun you might expect.

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