Tuesday, July 21, 2009

● Poll: Would you live in Turkey or Hungary

● Poll: Would you live in Turkey or Hungary?
BQ: what middle eastern country would you live in. you must choose one or you'll be ra ped by barney!
Polls & Surveys - 16 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
if i am hungry i will look for turkey
2 :
3 :
I would if I could speak the language. I would rather live in Hungary than Turkey.
4 :
5 :
hungary, 'cause its not in the middle east :)
6 :
Israel or Turkey. This is a stupid question.
7 :
Hungary has a higher standard of living BQ: United Arab Emirates.
8 :
Hungary. BQ: Jordan. My best friend visits her family there, so I would still get to see her occasionally.
9 :
Hungary cuz I'm Hungarian duh BQ: Idk
10 :
TURKEY is waay better! Nice beaches, nice people, and the food is amazing!! Trust me I´ve been there 3 times
11 :
I'd live IN Turkey, so I wouldn't BE Hungry ! BQ:- I have no preference as to where I'd live in a middle Eastern country.
12 :
I like Turkey better.
13 :
Hungary. I support Kurdish freedom and independence, so the Turkish people would hate me. BQ: Tunisia or Israel
14 :
I would find a way to be in both places at the same time.
15 :
16 :
Hungary, living there is not too expensive comparing to other europian countries such as germany, france, holand or the uk. police there are quite more strict for a middle europian country. generally, the economical condition there is not that good. Turkey, i don't know much about it but as some of my friends told me. it's big time more expensive than hungary. food is really good there. it has a big tourism movement since it has a really beautiful beaches and it's larger than hungary... etc. where would i live ???? it depends on who'll pay me more. BQ: saudi arabia, jedda city... my hometown. but lebanon, beirut and U.A.E, dubai are the top most beautiful cities in the middle east.

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