Friday, August 7, 2009

why is hungary a bad place to live

why is hungary a bad place to live?
alot of hungarian ppl are saying that hungary is very low in money and jobs and thats its very very hard to make a living why is that n.eone knoe?
Other - Europe - 7 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
It's better than the united states! ive been to both.
2 :
i suggest living in Full
3 :
All countries that have been controlled by the Soviet Union for 40 + years in Eastern Europe have had their economy damaged very bad including Hungary. I don't know much about how living is in Hungary, but with all these eastern european countries they are all trying to repair themselves economically wise still today. And the European Union is just another band aid these countries can enter.
4 :
All the countries that were behind the Iron Curtain have this problem...their economies only started to develop after they gave up Communism. At the same time this meant better off foreign companies could come it, and they did, mostly to take advantage of the lower pay rates. Then they bought out or built new businesses, with a lot of the profits going out of the country. People trying to start small businesses had less chance against big cashed-up foreigners than in established economies, where everyone had an even start and there are more lawsto protect competition (and consumers) It's a beautiful country, the food is great, the people are friendly and have a good sense of humour. Just life is not easy there. Things are gradually getting better.
5 :
First of all, unless you know the Hungarian language, you'll have serious problems. From my experience, not that many Hungarians, even the younger generation, know English. Hungarian is an incredibly difficult language to learn. Secondly, even though Hungary outwardly looks properous, the salaries there are shockingly low. In comparison, someone from the Czech Republic would appear "well off". Jobs are hard to come by, and the cost of living is not cheap. Those are the bad points, and I'll leave it to other respondants to mention the good ones.
6 :
Basically the wealth of the country was stolen by those in government. the higher their rank, the bigger the crook I am an American that lives in Hungary 6 months per year with my Hungarian husband. We bought a apt. here in a working class neighborhood and enjoy living here but we make our money in the states. the wages are very low and the prices are getting higher every week.I wonder myself how people can afford things. I have noticed allot of home-hair cuts and run down shoes lately, wasn't like that just 6-7 years ago. Hungary was one of the top countries economicallywhen they first became a jr. EU member. Do to corruption everywhere the people are having a hard time. Out of 10 millon people, only 4 millon are paying taxes. The rest are either retired, sick or on welfare.Add that up with over prices on every government project from road works to selling factories for pennies on the dollar to friends and you can see that things have gotten out of control. their PM has to go, he is so evil, he was caught on tape bragging about his underhanded business deals and just straight out stealing and he refurses to leave office. last year there were many protests at the parliment but they are not listening to the people. It is a sad situation because the people here have been living under corrupt governments for centuries.
7 :
As a Hungarian living abroad, I agree with Marilyn T. You see the situation very well. One more thing about the goverment: the sad thing is that even if the PM and the ruling Socialist Party goes away, I'm not convinced that the opposition would do a better job. So basically there is nobody to vote for ... and the people are really getting sick of ALL politicians. :-(( Back to the original question: Hungary IS a very nice place to live... providing you earn your money and pay your taxes abroad.

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