Monday, February 7, 2011

i found myself stateless, in usa, what to do

i found myself stateless, in usa, what to do?
I am stateless. Was born in Soviet Union. My family left Soviet Union before it collapsed. Ever since i never visited that country. I never had any Soviet passports or documents, except i was incuded in my parent's passport when we left. Its been over 15 years since. I now live in USA. I do not posess any citizenship. I came to usa with a Ukrainian passport, which was issued by Embassy of Ukraine in Hungary. My mom, who lives in Hungary now had to surrender the Ukrainian passport about 5 years ago. If i was in Hungary with her i would have probably had to surrender it too, because they said it was given out by mistake, since my father was working for the Embassy and was friends with the Ambassador. I am now afraid to go to the Ukrainian Embassy here in USA, because they may take my passport away. I am afraid that if i go back somewhere (from USA) i will not get accepted as a citizen. Embassy of Russia in Hungary told my mom that she is no longer russian citizen, since she did not take any action on her part in time. This leaves me, beeing in USA, no longer russian citizen too. Now i am really scared to go to either countrie's embassy. I cant be ukrainian citizen because i never had any connections to Ukraine. I am not a citizen of USSR, cause that country does not exist anymore. I am not a citizen of Russia, because i do not posess any russian documents, and get rejected from the embassy. My mother and brother are stateless, living in Hungary. I ended up in USA, and dont know what to do. I have been living in USA for 6 years now and would like to get some kind of legal status, considered i am stateless. I know that there is this international law made in 50's in switzerland for countries members of United Nations, that allows them to accept stateless people as residents. If anyone is in similar situation and knows what to do, please email me or replay to this post. Thank You.
Immigration - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
WOW... You sure are in a pickle with your legal status. Being in the USA for 6 years does not make you a legal citizen of this Country. Best of luck in whatever you do.
2 :
You need the help of an immigration lawyer -- before you go to the Ukrainiain embassy or contact any US official, visit a private immigration attorney and explain your situation to them. It will cost you some money but they may be able to help you with your problem. I can't suggest any lawyers in particular but I'm sure a web search will help you find some in your area.
3 :
my husband has a similar problem- he fled Hungary during the 56 revolt and was given a permanent visa in US, but he has never gotten his citizenship( lots of red tape) so, he has the dreaded "white" passport- which just states that you don't belong to any country, and which means it is very hard to travel outside the US these days

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