Tuesday, March 1, 2011

cost of living in budapest, hungary (recent data)

cost of living in budapest, hungary (recent data)?
Hi, I am relocating from sydney, Australia to Budapest, Hungary. I have been searching on web to find out what is the decent salary there and the cost of living. I have found some results but with the changes in economy/inflation-rate in hungary they all seems to be very outdated. I am a software programmer and earn a good salary in sydney around AUD 70k and so have a very good life style. What is the on-par salary for this industry in Hungary. i am a bachelor so my expenses are straight forward. Acco, Car maintenance cost(insurances etc), Food+drinks, travelling to places in Europe once a month, Shopping and a bit saving. Can anyone please advice. Thank you in advance. Ravi.
Other - Europe - 1 Answers
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I live in Budapest with my husband. We don't work here, just spend 6 months a year here until we are of retirement age which is very soon. The inflation is very high here and prices are always going up. the gas for home use is going up another 6% and in Jan. it is going up another 5 %or so.There is a 20% sales tax here. Things are tough for the average person here and getting worst. We may not retire here if it continues to be out of control. You have a good skill that may be in demand here and it is a beautiful if not confusing place. I will give you some web-site leads and hopefully they will give you a better idea of things here. It is basicaly a two tear enconomywith only rich or working poor. Many young people here are leaving the country for other better paying EU member countries. If you don't speak the language, you will be paying more for things because people will take advantage of the situation. I like it here but I have my husband to take care of business for us. You will be going to do things with other English speaking people so you will pay the price. just to let you know the real facts on living here. www.wiclo.com info@avicenna.hu www.realhome.hu www.budapestinfo.hu Edit: as a forienger, your car insurance will be about what you now pay in your own country, only locals with papers get a better rate and it takes a few years to be on their good driver list. You must show papers on where you live to get a parking sticker to park in your district. Allot of red tape with utility co. etc.unless again you go through a rental agency which is expensive. We live in the states other times and even my Hungarian husband gets a bit upset about all of the red tape here.

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