For my World History class, I have to interview a person who has lived through a major world event. However, I am not very knowledgable when it comes to history, so I am unsure about what questions to ask. The person I am interviewing had lived in Hungary during WWII. Any help would be very much appreciated. Also, if anyone could point me to an informative website that many help me, that would be helpful.
History - 1 Answers
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1 : 1. Is this person actually Hungarian? or was he a visitor? 2. Was he a participant in the war? Military or civilian? Which side was he on? Why? 3. What did he or his family do for a living? How was this affected by the war? 4. What effects did the war have on food supplies? Travel? Communications? Entertainment? School? Money and commerce? 5. Was he afraid? What frightened him most? Why?
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