Monday, June 21, 2010

I live in Serbia and have heard about the new law in Hungary passed recently.Can I move to the UK

I live in Serbia and have heard about the new law in Hungary passed recently.Can I move to the UK?
Kindly advise me earliest.
Other - Europe - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
As per the new ruling announced in Hungary, any person having the ability to speak Hungarian language or is able to show having ancestry to Hungary will be considered to be eligible for filing application for Hungarian passport as well as Hungarian citizenship. WIth this law, a new wave of immigrants hailing from EE (Eastern Europe) is expected to head towards the UK for living and working in the nation. The new law in Hungary has given a legal right to nearly half million Serbians and Ukrainians to immigrate to the UK and live, work and get several benefits in Britain. you can read further by clicking link below
2 :
This is the first I have heard about this new law. I haven't been to Hungary for over a year now. Not sure if people in the UK or other EU countries have much to worry about though. My son is an American citizen but got dual citizenship through his Hungarian father years ago. My husband had to prove he was a Hungarian and submit his birth papers ect. for our son to get a Hungarian passport etc. As it stands, our son has no in intention of working in Europe, he does better in the US for now. Not sure if people from Serbia and other eastern countries can prove they are also Hungarian and as far as speaking Hungarian, good luck to anyone, it's really is a hard one to learn.It could be hard for some to prove they are ethnic Hungarian.
3 :
I think it is not so good joke First a girl from US did not know , where is Vienna on the Earth. Another explained who the new law about citizenship take half million worker to UK. This last one is a very annoying and liers argument. You should know that from 10 million hungarian 50 thousands working in UK, from 35 million polish 1 million, but more and more coming back . In Serbia and Ukraina about 100-200 thousand hungarian (in European Union Romania, Slovakia 3 million). From that only a fragment want to take the citizenship and wait for it about a year. So msg. for that stup. UK politician who argue it first : We dont want to work in UK, and you please dont come here. We welcome tourists from Italy, Germany, Spain e.t.c , but not from UK. These football fans break everything, full of alcohol makings crimes on the street of Budapest. Making fake ratings. UK people you can go home if you know only this, more unregistred people from UK here than hungarian in UK. Nice UK people we welcome, but think about it London made a war for how many citizen agains Argentina on Falkland. They can not blame Hungary when this country want to give something for that 3-5 million hungarian living out of country

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