Saturday, July 14, 2012

What percentage of the Hungarian population hates gays

What percentage of the Hungarian population hates gays?
Are younger people any more accepting than their parents and grandparents, or are they raised in an extremely homophobic society? I'm wondering cause my parents were born and raised in Hungary (in Budapest) and they are both rather homophobic. But, compared to my extended family, especially the ones that still live in Hungary, they are very accepting haha My aunts, uncles, cousins all hate gays. Even the kids say nasty stuff (along with the expected anti-semitic and anti-gypsy statements which I've, sadly, gotten used to) So, is there ay hope for Hungary to become a liberal, forward and accepting country like in Northern and Western Europe?...or would they prefer to remain backwards? (sorry for the harsh statement. Don't get me wrong, I'm very proud to be of Hungarian descent, but I am sad for the country) My hungarian is pretty bad, but I'll try to translate at least the main question for those of you that aren't very good at English: Hany szazalek a Magyar emberekböl utalja a meleg embereket? A fiatalokis utaljak öket annyira mint az öregek? Köszönöm szepen a valaszokat.
Other - Cultures & Groups - 6 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Well my mum is half Hungarian/Dutch and my grandma is from Hungary, they seem okay with the gays. Why do you want to go to Hungary? The Netherlands is way better.
2 :
24% unfortunately, it should be more (just kidding) mine, PLEEEEEEEEEEASE:
3 :
Eastern Europe, I would say about 70% or more are strongly biased against homosexuals.
4 :
We don't hate gays. Or at least we shouldn't. We just don't accept their homosexuality. (Romans 1:24-27) . . .Therefore God, in keeping with the desires of their hearts, gave them up to uncleanness, that their bodies might be dishonored among them, 25 even those who exchanged the truth of God for the lie and venerated and rendered sacred service to the creation rather than the One who created, who is blessed forever. Amen. 26 That is why God gave them up to disgraceful sexual appetites, for both their females changed the natural use of themselves into one contrary to nature; 27 and likewise even the males left the natural use of the female and became violently inflamed in their lust toward one another, males with males, working what is obscene and receiving in themselves the full recompense, which was due for their error. Please understand that this is how us old school people are going to feel about the subject. However, this is no justification to hate Cheers
5 :
but hungary isnt in Eastern Europe, it is in central Europe, and its a liberal country compared to others. and yeah they have all the reasons to hate the gypsies
6 :
Well I'd say about 5-15% maybe. But not everyone is doing it "visibly" it can be just an inner feeling. (Personally, I don't hate gay people, I think it depends on genetics, it's their "destiny". And they are no different from heterosexual people outside the bedroom.) "I'm wondering cause my parents were born and raised in Hungary (in Budapest) and they are both rather homophobic." Mainly the older generations are pretty homophobic, they are usually religious and very conservative, that's why. "So, is there ay hope for Hungary to become a liberal, forward and accepting country like in Northern and Western Europe?" I don't think so. Tolerance doesn't have a culture here. Maybe it has something with that we're a pretty small nation, and because our stormy history (Hungary always lost in the wars xD), there are many nationalists who try to protect their "ideal hungarian nation" clear from any other nations' influence, and also clear from any "abnormalities'" influence (homosexuality is an abnormality from their view). These are the people who throw stones at gay pride, and shout nasty things if they say a male couple walking holding hands. But I think the younger generations (20-30s) are more accepting, as the majority don't see any logical reasons why they should hate homosexuals. So the future is brighter than the present is :) "My aunts, uncles, cousins all hate gays. Even the kids say nasty stuff (along with the expected antisemitic and anti-gypsy statements which I've, sadly, gotten used to)" Maybe your family is a radically "right-side" one. And imho don't care about what the kids say, they don't even know what's the meaning of those words, they only try to seem cool, that they say what the adults say. Btw: congrats for your hungarian, you're pretty good :)

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