Saturday, July 21, 2012

hear this

hear this....?
1. :can u tell me where in the world most hungriest people live? :in hungary 2. :can u tell me 5 animal's name of antertica :3 penguin and 2 seal fish!! 3. in court, the judge man was saying: ORDER, order, order!! then the criminal said: 1 burger with large soda please!! 4. -Father, how do u like to eat fried potato. -why i like it! -some one phoned us that ur potato factory had just been in fire!! 5. - hey man, did i told u that i have been faced by a lion! - wow, what happened!! -the lion was comig forward to me!! it was so fierceful, and so hungry!!! - wow, then? -what else, i just simply went to the monkey cage in the zoo to see the monkeys!! 6. - do u know, what we can't eat before breakfast? -what? -lunch and supper!! 7. do u know, there's something hard i do first before breakfast? what? waking up 4rm bed!! HOPE ALL OF U UNDERSTAND them!!
Jokes & Riddles - 10 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
yo ? 2 long!
2 :
i did....pretty funny....=)
3 :
you lost me
4 :
Those are HILARIOUS! Thank you for making me laugh!
5 :
i love the sixth the most.
6 :
1 and 6 are funnier
7 :
sorry kinda lame
8 :
9 :
All the answer is correct 7 points
10 :
Funny.I like 3rd.

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