Tuesday, August 14, 2012

SC, Would you attened a dinner party without your husband or wife going

SC, Would you attened a dinner party without your husband or wife going?
My husband and I are at present living in Hungary and have limited contact with his siblings that also live here. We have been invited for Easter dinner to a small dinner party that is being held by my Hungarian girlfriend. She is a very smart and mature 31 year old and has invited her divorced father who is about my age or so and a women I met at another party who is also an American but from Russia who is very interesting in charactor and also a senior person along with about 4 other people. I know the food will be great and the company interesting as most do speak English well The problem is my husband and I have bee on the ill side for a month now and I am recovering faster then he is. We do not wish to infect anyone and if not well enough, neither of us will attend the dinner. My husband has suggested that I attend by myself. He is not much of a social person and if not feeling his best, he will not go anywhere. Just wondered if anyone would leave their partner on a holiday or anytime and go off and enjoy yourself elsewhere. I do wish to attened the dinner but feel sad about husband sitting alone or lying ill in bed. Maybe I could go out for just a few hours but not sure.
Senior Citizens - 16 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
If my husband was too ill to tend to his needs in my absence, then I would stay home. However, if he is ill, but stable & he encouraged me to go & I wanted to go, then I would attend the party. It could be that he would like the distraction from his illness to hear all about the new people I met at the party & to listen to some good dinner story details. In a sense, he'd be enjoying the dinner party through my telling him about it. That may be the only way he gets to "celebrate" the holiday vicariously.
2 :
Hi Marilyn, good to know you're feeling better and if your hubby is improving then I can see no reason why you should miss out on the meal with your friend. Obviously if he is very poorly then no I'm sure you wouldn't want to leave him alone. Perhaps the compromise would be to stay for the meal only and leave shortly afterwards with explanations that I'm sure would be fully understood by both your hubby and your friend. Whatever you decide it will be the right decision and don't forget you have the rest of the holiday to spend together, enjoy the Easter break as best as you can. I do hope he gets better soon.
3 :
I have...but to be honest, it's just not the same without him. If you really want to go, yes, please do get out for a few hours...Just tell them you can't stay too long as your husband is ill and you really don't want him to sit home alone and sad. I am sure they will understand.
4 :
I hope you both get feeling better. Sounds like even without the illness, your husband would be inclined to stay home. Do whatever makes you feel comfortable as long as you both stay safe.
5 :
Leave him with a DVD he might like and/or a good book he hasn't read; make or buy some nice chicken noodle soup; and go enjoy yourself!
6 :
Go and enjoy, he may appreciate his own company for the evening ,no need for you to miss such a good time.
7 :
I have been in the same situation as your husband, and yes I would allow my wife to attend, on her own, why not?, she is due to a break!..In fact my wife and her friend went to see Andre Rieu in concert on Tuesday night, making sure my son took care of me, and it was a pleasure to see the look on her face next day..
8 :
Sure I would go. Obviously your husband isn't bothered by it since he suggested it. It is possible he may enjoy the time alone to relax after not feeling well.
9 :
I don't see why you shouldn't as long as you clear it with your hostess first! SHE is the one with ultimate say over who her guests are, and since she invited you as a couple, it should be up to her to decide if it will "destroy her numbers" if you come singly. Having said that, I can't imagine an intelligent woman finding any problem with you attending the party alone. To feel less guilty about your husband not going (and why you should, since it was HIS suggestion!) why don't you ask your hostess for a doggy bag to take back to him so he can have a little bit of a taste of the party as well? When I used to throw dinner parties I always sent the leftovers home with the guests (who always seemed to fight over who would get what!).
10 :
Because of my nature if the person I'm in involved had an illness I would be home taking care of her. I could not enjoy a festive dinner knowing she is ill.
11 :
Since your hubby already gave his blessings, then by all means, go! Think about all the things you'll be able to tell him when you get home and enjoy the rest of your holiday together! You might even have so much fun that you will be able to "jolly" him out of the rest of his illness. My husband and I were both ill a couple of weeks ago, and I don't know about you, but after a week of togetherness we were about ready for some alone time.
12 :
No, I would not attend anything without my husband..if you both have been ill, I would stay at home and just tell them that ..there will always be another party to go to..I have been ill this whole month myself and still trying to get better too..=)
13 :
One of the beauties of long term marriage is that going out does not necessarily equate to both going. When relationships are early, frequently both may feel a sense of obligation to share the "going out" time even if one is reluctant.
14 :
I'd stay with recovering husband.
15 :
My husband very much dislikes these types of social gatherings, so if I want to go, I attend and have a good time. It's no big deal if you don't make it one.
16 :
If you are SURE that you are not contagious....go for awhile!!!

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