What kind of jobs would make someone "wealthy" in Hungary? What salary is something a "wealthy" person would make? Is "living well" in Hungary (Budapest) the same as living well in the United States? Thanks!
Other - Europe - 2 Answers
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1 :
No "job" will make you wealthy... anywhere. That said; Hungary is now part of the EU, and like anywhere else in Europe, working for a multinational company will make you well-off, but not wealthy. The cost of hard goods is almost exactly the same as in the rest of the EU, but housing and food can be less, especially the further you get from Budapest center.. No... life is not the same as in the US... but it can be very good indeed!
2 :
You must be either in the mob or in government(same thing?!) to make serious money in Hungary. I do know a few of my husbands old childhood friends in Hungary that saved all of their money during the communist years and were ready to start their own business when the change happened. They did very well and weren't criminals, which is rare over there although one guy got puished out of his business my the mob. He was able to start something else and is doing very well. They are milloniars by western standards.(we are their poor American friends which gets me!) One guy owns several fast food restaurants that are all over the place , their specialty is chicken dishes, another onws several small bars and mini markets and has expanded into selling and building supermarts. Another bought a factory.One old friend owns his own Mercedes Benz dealership( gets me because we shipped his first Benz to him from Cal.) So basically, they don't work, they have other people slave away for them. Edit; There really is only two classes in Hungary, rich or poor. Even the well educated have a hard time paying their bills. My sister-in-law teaches chemistry at one of the universities and she has picked up a part-time job cleaning someone home on Saturdays.My neighbor in an accountant in Budapest and only bring home around $600. per month after taxes. Blackmarket trading and mob activites are huge there. I really didn't understand how huge until just a few days ago when my husband told me some facts about some peole we know over there that came to a surprize to me. It is just a way of life over there. There are so many political parties in Hungary that it seems they are spending all of the tax money and time on getting and keeping their power. They don't care much about the average everyday citizens.
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