Wednesday, November 7, 2012

How serious is my doctor when he says that i cant drink alcohol while taking Warfarin

How serious is my doctor when he says that i cant drink alcohol while taking Warfarin!?
Sadly, i live in Hungary, Eastern Europe. And my doctor is not very communicative with me. i have a DVT in my left calf, and i am taking warfarin. . . probably 4 the rest of my life. How serious should i take the NO alcohol rule while taking warfarin!? ....Does anyone share my predicament!? i mean i would enjoy a FEW glasses of wine now and then, seeing that im 20, and im in my first year of university.....
Medicine - 8 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
he just wants to see how long you last without alcohol before turning to gay porn.
2 :
Um kinda serious. Dude you can live without Alcohol.
3 :
get a second oppinion
4 :
umm sucks for u but i dont know were or in what language no alchohol means htat you can have just alittle.anyway if you want to drink by all means go ahead but you would be endangering your life and health.soo, dont drink.
5 :
What really creates a problem is occasional or heavy drinking. See this site:
6 :
i agree with Jamesary Loves Asher if your doctor told you not to drink while taking the medicine, hes not saying it "to see how long it will take you to turn to gay porn" hes saying it to help you get better mabey if you talk to him about drinking sparcly. like not alot. you can live with out it well good luck oh and if your not happy with what he says.. get a 2nd opiniom. GET WELL SOON xD
7 :
He is VERY serious when he says not to consume alcohol when taking warfarin. You probably know that warfarin is an anti-coagulant, meaning it's used to prevent blood from clotting. If you consume alcohol while taking warfarin it could lead to a fatal outcome. Alcohol inhibits the metabolism of warfarin, thus making it stay in your body longer, and it could potentially lead to you bleeding all over the place, into your organs, into your joints, and this is very dangerous and you could definitely die from it! Please follow your doctor's orders! All the best to you!
8 :
I'll bet he's deadly serious

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