Friday, May 1, 2009

What is the average cost of living in Hungary for a couple

What is the average cost of living in Hungary for a couple?(Euros or Furhint)?
I am planning to move to Hungary for a year or so. I will be living in Budapest. I want to know the average cost of living for a couple in Budapest either in Furhint or Euros. Can you please also detail out the costs too?
Other - Europe - 1 Answers
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We just came back two years ago from living over in Budapest for about 8 months. We were fortunate to get a decent apartment/flat for about 400 euros a month and probably spent another 400 on food and entertainment. It depends if you want to go into survivalist mode or splurger. We went to a lot of local flea markets and bought a lot of chicken and pork in bulk. Beef is kind of expensive. We were only about 4 blocks from a Penny Market and the public transportation is truly awesome and safe. We went to Szeged and Sopron a couple times and took the train that was probably our biggest expensive...I think it was like 35 bucks for the 3 of us. There are a lot of ex-patriots living over their that can help you out as well, and make you feel at home rather quickly. About 2 months before we went we shipped over about 200 pounds of misc. items like toiletries, towels, toys, laptops, strollers, and the like so we wouldn't have to buy those over there. If you plan on living like an American on vacation over there expect to spend a few thousand a month because there is a lot of sites to see and things to do. Honestly, the first month was since we got into this Bohemian state of mind and just went crazy spending evenings, days, and mornings with friends going out to bars, concerts, parties, lectures, and parks and probably spend a little to much enjoying life.

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