Tuesday, April 14, 2009

What is the cost of living in Hungary

What is the cost of living in Hungary?
My husband and I are going to move to Hungary where most of my immediate family lives. We will have a house paid for. To give a worst case scenario of neither of us working in Hungary or earning any income... 1.How much money would you say would be enough? 2. Earning what interest rate? 3. To give a monthly yield of how much? ... would be enough to pay for only the necessities of life: food, transportation, utilties, car insurance and necessary supplies of daily living? Do not include travel and gifts and anything absolutely "unnecessary". Assume a family of 4 including 2 small children is being supported. If you live around Szeged, I am especially interested in your answer.
Other - Europe - 1 Answers
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This same question was asked a few days back. Try http://www.geocities.com/rubymeera

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