Sunday, February 14, 2010

Does anyone know where I can find info on the plant called "Hen and Chicken"

Does anyone know where I can find info on the plant called "Hen and Chicken"?
When I lived in Hungary, I had this really horrible earache. A good friend of mine (a Hungarian) went into the back yard and brought back the bulb of a plant my mom said was called the "Hen and Chicken". She squeezed the bulb's juice into my ear and within half an hour, I was painfree. I would really like to know more about this amazing plant!
Other - Home & Garden - 5 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
I live in America and was given this as a gift from my mother a coupla years ago...She picked the plant up for me at a Wal-Mart....
2 :
Hope these help.
3 :
I think here we call them hens and chicks. Here's a link, if it looks like the right plant, they're easy to get.
4 :
It's a can find it in about any garden's called a hen and chicken because it spreads in a cluster with the original plant growing larger and the sprouts clustering around it. It's a cool plant.
5 :
Um...well, i can tell you grows wild here and i have some like 10 feet away from the web im sure you can find a ton of info.

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