I live in debrecen-hungary and I want to order these natural pills.what should I do?
Other - Skin & Body - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Don't buy this acai berry. And DON'T ever take a free trial of this product. They send you a bottle of the tablets and then debit your account without your authorization for $100 which you can't get back. Email me if you want to know a website to avoid!
2 :
Save your money. Go to the terms and conditions at the bottom of all these web sites and you will see they will be sending you more product for $80-100 per month. After the 30 money guarantee period so you can't dispute the charges. The $4.95 free trail is definitely not free. This whole acai berry thing is a scam. Acai berries don't have any more antioxidants in them than regular blueberries or raspberries. A diet high in antioxidant foods can HELP you lose weight. Not just make you lose weight. There is no such thing as a "fat burner pill". Burning more calories than you concern is the only fat burner. That is the big lie these con artists are selling. The "cleanse" tablets that usually come with them probably contain nothing more than psyllium husk powder to help you poop more. This can deplete healthy bacteria and enzymes in the digestive system. And you can buy a quart jar of it for $10 at the grocery, not 60 tablets. The only weight loss supplement I recommend is a basic multivitamin. A healthy diet high in both soluble and insoluble fiber is the only safe cleanse and detox there is. Good Luck
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