Hi everyone please really need help from anyone with useful information's, my girlfriend is a Nigerian living in italy, with an italian indefinite resident permit, and she is 7 months pregnant. And i'm a Nigerian as well living Hungary with hungarian indefinite resident permit, both of us are not yet citizens of the country we are presently at, we wanted to know if there's any european countries where she can give birth and the child will be given the country's nationality where he or she was born, even if we the parents are not a citizens of that country, we only know we can travel everywhere around the european union countries with our resident permit. Please if there's anyone who knows much about what country she could go and give birth for the child to have the country's nationality. please everyone we kindly needs your help, we'll be really grateful for your help thanks
Immigration - 5 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
In Europe,that would be Hungary,Italy due to the Residence permits & Nigeria.Basically all EU countries do not recognize birthright citizenship unless the parents hold Citizenship or residence permits. BTW,it is very controversial to even ask what you suggest which is Birth tourism !
2 :
Well you can come to America and have an anchor baby. We have birth right citizenship here and, the illegal aliens here are exploiting the hell out of it.
3 :
There is no European country which gives nationality to a child purely on the basis of birth in the country.
4 :
The only European Country where jus soli can prevail over jus sanguini is Romania, but I don't have details about how things work specifically; as for Italy, if a child which parents are both foreign citizen is born in Italy and legally resides till he/she's 18, at that age can choose whether to keep parents citizenship (according to law of Nigeria, in this case) or choosing to be an Italian citizen; this way Italian citizenship is given as a right.
5 :
I'm Romanian and the answer above me is incorrect, you can't have a child in here so the child be granted citizenship. I suggest she gives birth in Italy and then try to get a residence for her baby.
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