Saturday, September 1, 2012

how can I help my frozen shoulder

how can I help my frozen shoulder?
It's my 3rd day having my frozen shoulder. in these days i have taken like 15 light pain killers,but it's still killing me. I can't move it, get into a shirt, I'm writing on this keyboard with one hand. I'm going to the doctor on Monday, but what can I do until that? I haven't slept for two nights because of the pain. Does anyone have a suggestion? (I'd go to the hospital now, but I live in Hungary, the hospitals say, that I should come back during the weekdays. there's a national holiday now, so everything has been closed since Thursday.)
Injuries - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
i have no idea what you did to make your shoulder hurt i suggest to sleep with your arms down and at your sides,sleeping with your head on your shoulder can cause pains. it might be hard but try to sleep flat on your back. if you have done damage it is supposed to hurt to stop you from doing more damage so what ever you did to create the pain please stop
2 :
It sounds like a torn rotary cuff in your shoulder. It is extremely painful. Along with the pain pills try a couple of tylenol or something anti-inflamtory. Also if you have a heating pad that will give you some minor relief too. Try ice,then heat go back and forth. You poor dear I know your pain I tore mine a few years ago. Sometimes it will heal on its own with proper rest and pain pills.Mine did thank God! If u don't have a heating pad wet a hand towell of washcloth and stick it in the microwave for a minute or so.Where its lukewarm and put it on the hurt shoulder.I wish you the best! I know you're hurting.

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