Monday, October 1, 2012

How can I help my frozen shoulder

How can I help my frozen shoulder?
It's my 3rd day having my frozen shoulder. in these days i have taken like 15 light pain killers,but it's still killing me. I can't move it, get into a shirt, I'm writing on this keyboard with one hand. I'm going to the doctor on Monday, but what can I do until that? I haven't slept for two nights because of the pain. Does anyone have a suggestion? (I'd go to the hospital now, but I live in Hungary, the hospitals say, that I should come back during the weekdays. there's a national holiday now, so everything has been closed since Thursday.)
Other - Environment - 1 Answers
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- If you were in this area of the US, the hospital would asses that you've damaged your shoulder and should see a specialist, prescribe some pain killers, and refer you to an Orthopedic Dr. The hospital referral will allow to schedule an appointment within in 3-10 working days as opposed to 4-12 weeks if you went on your own. This assumes that you have insurance. - Figure out your best arm and shoulder position and immobilize your arm in that position; for many cross the arm of the affected shoulder across chest with wrist somewhere around the collar bone region. . For comfort, figure out if hot or cold feels best then either ice or heating pad the area. If you think it is muscle related, try 20 min warm/hot, 20 min cold, 20 min room temp; keep the rotations up as long as possible. If in doubt, ice, ice, ice - Actually bags of frozen peas or corn work well. They both fold, mold, and contour. But each retains cold a little differently. You will want two bags, one for wearing and one for re-freezing. When figuring out your bettter/best positions, think about how much and what your shoulder supports. Sometimes kneeling in front of the couch and bending forward at the waist so that your torso and head are supported by a mix of the bench seat of the couch and arranged pillows or blankets works well. If this is your key, fold a blanket into a narrow rectangle for use under your knees; even if you are on carpet. For your pain killers, think aspirin and Ibuprofen as opposed to Tylenol (acetaminophen).

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