Saturday, March 14, 2009

If I live far outside the USA can I get my book published there

If I live far outside the USA can I get my book published there?
I live in Hungary and I'm planning to get my book published in the USA. Is it possible? If yes, what amount of money will I need?
Books & Authors - 2 Answers
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1 :
The first thing you need is an American agent, because there are a tiny number of publishers who accept unsolicited manuscripts (those that don't go through a literary agent). Visit and look for agents that handle your genre, and are looking for new clients. Since you live overseas, look for agents that allow electronic queries and submissions. Read, and follow, their submission guidelines. Learn how to write a query letter, which is what you send to the agent first. It's part synopsis of your book, and part explanation as to why your book deserves to be published. You have only that one-page letter to wow the agent, so take the time to make it a good one. Expect the whole process to take lots of time, and expect many rejections. When you are accepted by an agent, they will send your book to publishers, not you. Even if the agent accepts electronic submissions, they may still want a physical copy of your book, to send to publishers. Except for postage, the entire process of getting an agent is **FREE**, until a publisher buys your book. That is when the agent gets their cut, usually 15%, of the money that goes to you. Run away from any agent who asks for money upfront. Good luck!
2 :
Ferenc, Yes you can. Just get a copy of Writer's Market for the current year. In there you will find literary agents who represent your work. You'll need to write a query letter and make sure it's free of any errors of any kind. You may be asked to submit the first three chapters with your letter. It's important to follow the guidelines set down by the agency. It's also important to know what is called 'Industry Standard Format' when submitting your three chapters. You can find all this on the WWW, the library, or in your bookstore. Beware of agents who charge a reading fee. Usually they take the fee and turn down your manuscript. Beware of vanity publishers as well if you desire to self-publish. They will publish anything and you get exactly what you send to them . . . errors and all. There is very little editing if any. Good luck! PJ M

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