Monday, December 14, 2009

Why is it that Switzerland, Sweden, Norway, Hungary etc etc can live in peace and freedom and we cant

Why is it that Switzerland, Sweden, Norway, Hungary etc etc can live in peace and freedom and we cant?

Government - 11 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
you can,,,,move there
2 :
Stupid white European Christian nations... now everybody is trying to make the US look bad.
3 :
Nobody wants to take over countries where it is cold all the time.
4 :
who said they live in peace? you should go there and check on that.
5 :
Because the U.S. has an arrogant goverment that wants to tell everyone else how to live.
6 :
they also have high welfare roles and are heavily soclialized and have kid porn and high drug useage real ideal.. geez
7 :
Are you serious? When was the last time you heard about the swedish navy rolling in to save Britians asss, or the fighting men and woman of norway parachuting in over the war torn landscape of anywhere to provide aide? The live in peace because if they dont someone will come along and snuff them out like a smoldering match. And peace is suggestive here, since they have their own terrorist problems, home land security issues, and messed up government officials and citizens to deal with at home.
8 :
Because the U.S. government can't keep out of everyone else's business. That's why we're hated and threatened so much.
9 :
because they dont have a republican president running their country
10 :
Do you call paying roughly 60 percent of your income to the government in taxes freedom? Not to mention the high rate of sales tax, again roughly 17 percent. I call that slavery. Whatever it is it is definitely not freedom.
11 :
you tell and believe in lies...

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